arttistic's Diaryland Diary


*&*^*&%$ I'm broke..

Hidung aku tersumbat...Oh God!.. it was so bad I nearly snorted all the way out of KLCC this afternoon. Nasib baik la masa presentation kat client tadi hidung aku maintain ok.

Aku bagitahu Mr. J ni dia punya pasal la sebab minggu lepas dia selsema.. so dia bawak virus merata2 dan akhir sekali lekat kat aku.. Sengih je dia bila aku cakap cam tu.Tapi heran la pulak hari ni dia tak ajak aku pegi lunch.. biasanya berkobar2 semangat dia nak ajak aku pegi.. tak pela... aku bukannya kisah pun

Walaupun hari ni cuti thaipusam.. aku dah 2 hari duduk kat ofis siapkan material proposal presentation untuk satu projek kat Hong Kong ni. The meeting went well kat Petronas tadi. Paling aku tak sangka.. boleh pulak aku ni bercerita pasal technicalities kat client2 aku yg terer2 tu. Cuma ade satu dua bende yang aku memang clueless nak mati.. tak penah dengar pun term tu, tetiba je mamat2 ni tanya. AKu main tibai je macam orang terer. Tak pun aku suruh boss aku jawab. Paling teruk pun aku senyum.

So.. Fareh, my dear boss.. is going to Hong Kong this Friday for a site survey. I hope he WON'T bring me. Pelik kan? mesti orang lain ingat aku ni gila sebab tak nak pegi travel. Sebenarnya bukan tak nak... insyaallah kalau la project ni dapat, aku mesti pegi jugak.. kali ni mungkin duduk sana 8 bulan. Paling kurang pun sebulan. Camana pun semua bergantung kat requirement project tu nanti.

Yes, I would like sooo much to indulge in this project. It could be fun living in HK.. maklumlah.. manala tahu kan.. kot2 aku terserempak dengan Andy Lau ke.. Aaron Kwok ke (??????) tak ke best tu.. hehehehe.. tapi aku ade few reasons kenapa aku tak nak pegi:

*** Aku nak pegi Prai to attend presentation of Bullet Tank jacking. okla.. ada udang sebalik mee sebenarnya...:)..

*** Bukan senang nak suruh Fareh blah dari ofis dan tak menyusahkan hidup aku barang seketika. Hello! I want some peace of u hear me, boss??

*** Diaorang nak pegi seminggu... wei kalau 2 hari tu aku nak la.. ni nak buat apa seminggu??? Keje aku kat sini sapa nak buat? Hantu?

*** Dah dekat dengan tahun baru Cina.. which means the stay could be longer because we might not have the flight out from HK. I'm actually tired of airports.. no, wait! I hate flying..

*** I am so damn broke.. can anyone help me? My credit card is nearly credit limits.. I have to pay thousands of $$$ for the car insurance this month. I gotta pay the car, the house, credit cards from hell, some stupid installments, my study loan, money for my mom,..and the list goes endless... I can't afford to even take another flight without declaring myself a white-flag bankruptcy. See.. I am THAT bad..

Iskhh.... bila la gaji nak masuk ni....

3:21 p.m. - 2003-01-20


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