arttistic's Diaryland Diary


distorted mind from a high pitched night

Didnt have much sleep for 2 days. I look haggard. Nearly slept in the meeting room (p/s: I was taking the minutes, then..hehhe).
Thanks to a crazy night in Bangsar yesterday, today's mind just refuse to function well. It was Jaa's and Yanie's birthday. Alim, leen,ikram, maria and me hauled them to karaeoke. Back there I was already half asleep, trying to figure out what was I doing in the middle of the night going there. Amusing my self perhaps? Probably I needed to break free. And break free was all I did...and I made a bad, bad singer of myself yesterday. Everybody was like eager to get the mike and combined with the most outrageous tone ive never imagine heard, we sang our heart out....and LOUD... kekekeke...

I guess all the the pent-up desire to scream was released yesterday. Paired with Alim who never failed to make me laugh histerically, I tuned my head to be freed from my problems. This guy is just sooo crazy, it would be so lame going out without him. He's my brand new happy pill. He'd fight with ikram just to get the mic so that he could sing stupid irritating dangdut. Then he'd flash his very unsexy 'gelek' and stupid dance in front of us. It was such a sickening sight, I told him I'd throw up if he didnt stop. He didnt. A probable thought that I think he might really want to see me puke in front of him. Nah, he know I'd be too gracious for that...hehehe.

We met at McD at midnight for dinner, flirted with those silly, underaged boys till they blushed *yuckss!!!*, mimicking some telly adverts about McDonald's chickens..complete with the whole set of gimmicks to be exact. Flirted some more... sang some more.. only this time from the story Mary Poppins.. had histerical laughs together.. shrieking at Alim and Ikram.. Leen went high because she had chocolate shakes and cakes (psstt! she cant have choc without getting high!) and sang birthday song twice with different irritating style.. ohh! Leen was playing imaginary drums in her own sound. *well... imagine how does it sound...hehe* She even sang some silly, outrageous lullabies and continued bablings

Hmm.. how does a certain sup lidah conversation get in the way at 2 o'clock in the morning?... Im confused. Never mind.

Today...still sleepy, my body had to attend 5 hour progress meeting while my mind was still somewhere else... on my bed. Mr PMC Project Manager was smiling sleazily at me, giving me advises on some plans and procedures. I nearly winked my eyes, mind couldnt function well...heheh.. but didnt fail on one thing.. damn! he's cute. Still can manage to think about him though...

I think I'm going home... hope will be able to give mr. Breguet a call before he's off to Bangkok.. hmm... it's been months since I had fun...

4:47 p.m. - 2002-07-02


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