arttistic's Diaryland Diary


Highways and all its glory...

Correct me if i'm wrong but i just can't figure out those highways and roads these days.My humble perception is that highways in Kl are made for me to get even more lost than I already am. Ye ke? I came back to KL only about a year ago after 7 years away, started driving early this year and still, (considering the place where I'm working now) I can't seem to memorize which road is where.

This morning I went to a fabrication yard in Shah Alam and managed to get my self lost at Elite interchange. Darn! I was already late to the max and to make matter worse, I didn't know where to U-turn. Right after I paid the goddamn toll, I made a slow U-turn and headed right back from where i came in. Thank goodness...

See,in the Klang Valley itself, there's LDP, SPRINT, KESAS, ELITE, MRR (Middle Ring Road)..tell the hell am I suppose to know all that? Ohh wait..there's NKVE, there's Elevated Highway, Shapadu Highways..bla bla bla.. by the time I'd finish memorizing all the highways, the government would turn up with proposals with new additional highways just to make me having more nightmares..adding more grays..:)

I heard there's a few km special tunnel to be constructed in Ampang. The best thing is, this tunnel has a dual capability where it can be a normal road tunnel or turn up as river when it floods with rain. Hehehe... terer kan? I don't know how they gonna do it, but thanks to many brilliant highways engineers, I do think the tasks are capable. Smells money here...

I don't think I go out a lot judging on how lame I am with highways nowaday. The blame is to be put on my hectic work. I used to read alot.. watching lots of tv.. doing this ..doing that.. I was so in of just about everything. But that was before, I'd do anything not to study..but its so much different now. I'm greedy..when it comes to knowledge. hmm..talking abt how nerdy i have become..;p. I miss those days when I have time to myself... I have time to think, to have insights to so many things in life. Life now has centred to only one thing... work! I have been working without having a break (incl. Sundays) from 9am - 10pm everyday for 4 weeks. Last week was the max. Last thursday, since I'm handling 2 job at a time, I didnt go back for 2 days..bear in mind that I was wearing the same clothes. You guys can imagine how i smell that time. I sacrificed not just a lot but all out. My mum couldnt say anything. My boss was awed but heck, he's been in my place before.

Zaid always said to take things easy but funny..he's like me too. The different is, he is soooo much in love with his job. I am not in love but I kinda like it. There are ups and downs...but I learned a helluva lot. Before I'm ready to venture out somewhere, I'd better get my ass prepared or falling into some deep shit wouldnt be so nice.

My CEO been bugging me since forever, his sole ambition about me is to make me a design engineer which I don't think I will become later. I have the itch to become a project control engineer because i like it alot. I refuse, I repeat, just REFUSE to be a stiff normal design lady engineer. L.A.M.E.! I want to talk.. to be able to express, to meet people and become popular intellectual in my industry. But at the same time, I do want to understand things technically. I don't think I have to become a designer to do all that. Though it suits women, it does not appeal to just sit on that chair comfortably designing. No.. it will become a comfortable little rut and does not spark fire. Nobody will remember that youre the one who designed some kind of instrument, buildings, tanks..etc.

My work, unlike many others, is not glamour. It doesn't inspire like music, art ..etc. No fancy events, glamour clothes or popular girls. But its a technology donater industry which make the human race depend on it. It's a male dominating world out there and to learn on how to cope with egos and pride is a big task. Even people like me have to know how to maxime our feminine charm as apart of growing up lesson here. Not to say mengada-ngada but you have to know how to get things done. Things have got to be moved on. We have no choice at many encounters with men. Just behave like a lady and work like those men, just like a friend used to say before. :)

Hey.. anybody like the new layout? I feel like the picture at times. Secluded...solitude and sad. Besides.. the pict is great :)..err..but I don't have that great delectable body..kekekeke

Toodles ..

5:34 p.m. - 2002-07-23


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