arttistic's Diaryland Diary


the thing that feminine charms can do for you

Damn with this thing call PMS! I have the urge to just forever chew and fill my tummy with food. I just despise this time of the month where my piggy-like appetite just runs like crazy. Now, I�m sleepy because of too much food. Well.. just a greasy too much.. urgh!

I started my morning routine pretty good today, thanks to a mere phone call from a cheeky guy in Petronas today. I was tasked to a make a preliminary design assumptions of this Hong Kong oil storage tank and my tummy just had this ugly growling machine-like sound when the guy called. I was versed with the American Petroleum Institute design� but not well enough. Tak pernah buat proper design pun�

I made few minor mistakes, which were forgivable, and I had this impression he was going to shout at me. Somehow when I promptly tuned my voice to a rather softer feminine tone.. he relented. He wasn�t going to shout anyway but he sounded as if he wanted to conquer the whole conversation firmly. I let him� and so after a bit of very confident right answers, a bit of flirting, a bit of girlish giggles and a bit of an obvious smiles in my voice, he even made some jokes with me. Fuhh! Lega..

I met this guy in the meeting room last Monday. Smooth talker� professional, firm and had this nice smile. Ciss..! punyala takut jumpa client� aku mati2 la ingat dia ni garang nak mampus. There were times I could feel he was trying to be sarcastic but he would try to smile at me. Perhaps he was trying to look nice since I was the only woman (as lame-usual) there. I caught him staring at me few times..

I like this kind of attitude where men would always treat women nicely even in the most horrendous condition. But the respect that a woman is also capable of doing good job must be there. For me, I don�t mind if anybody wants to call me �mangkuk ayun� as long as the best quality in me emerged at the end. I think I should ask this guy out..hehe.. macam aku berani pun� Mr. J would die of jealousy if I do that. Satu ofis lagi.. Tapi nasib la� sapa suruh jadik laki orang..hehehe..

The thing that feminine charms can do for you. I am not actually keen to be in a relationship but I like the nice companion of the male species. Maybe over some intelligent conversations or dinner.

I don�t like using of the so-called feminine charms but the necessity is always there. At times, people like me are trapped and we just lose the will to breathe in a world full of men. It isn�t easy to gather strength when the mills that drive you fade. At times all you have left in scratch is the last bitter smile. So.. women.. just smile� I always believe that even a plain Jane like me can rocks the world.


Missy Prudence

2:21 p.m. - 2003-01-24


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