arttistic's Diaryland Diary


Me,Lulu and cats

Lulu my beautiful half persian cat came back unexpectedly after 4 days of missing in action. It saddened me yet so grateful this morning when I saw her sitting by the the table. Momot - the official 'boyfriend' had a strike of 'mati kutu' during the loss. I wonder now how did she find her way home since my house, on the 1st floor of a 17-storey apartments looks exactly the same like the rest of the apartments there.

When the plumber came by early this week, she slipped out from the house curiously wandering around. I blamed the fire that catched the PVC pipes that nearly burned the house last week. Whatever still, I am so glad Lulu's home because part of it I cannot stand to watch Momot keeps licking my feet, biting me or sleep on my tummy, head, anymore. See, he has better things to do now like chasing his girlfriend around. :)

I found Lulu in a cranage lorry infront of my office more than six months ago. The filthy kitten sounded so afraid in the rain that she hid in the compartment joint of the crane steel beam. Me, who has always been an animal lover searched the whole area following the faint sound. When I took her out from the crane, the kitten attacked me, biting my hand till it bleed, struggling and was so terrified of me that she peed and pooped on me. Luckily, my swimming towel was in the car so I held her firmly, wrapped her and headed straight home. I knew she was a persian because of the hair and body.

Now.. she has become one of the loveliest cat I've known. Happy and sated in the comfortable house of Miss Prudence along with 5 other cats in my house.

The oldest cat I have turns 10 end of this year. Putih, who's half blind hates to be kissed and has lost most of the teeth. Sam, whom I would call the old maid, is a great enemy to Putih, is one of the biggest bully of the whole feline world. Momot, the cheekiest of all, loves to kiss Lulu and everybody nice to him. Without having to call, he'd come uninvitedly sitting on anyone's lap or even do the hugging himself. Baby, the prettiest Siamese I know has been so afraid of Sam, she keeps avoiding everbody by sitting on the kitchen cabinets. I love instigating her at times. And there's this Unnamed lovely kitten my mom found not so long ago whose eyes bigger than Robbie William's. Maybe i should call him Robbie..hehehhe

I'll update about my trainee Chu tomorrow.

I love my cats.

And fuck war! :)

7:36 p.m. - 2003-03-28


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