arttistic's Diaryland Diary


hari yang bosan

I don't think that ignorance is a bliss. Not at this particular moment indeed.

I am so desperately need a new job. Or a new raise. Why the hell when I am so bloody damn broke in a month, my problem seems to stretch itself to the MAX?

It's not that my income does not enough, despite the 'working like a pariah dog' time I've been spending. It's just that I have too many commitment and my working environment which obviously includes traveling seem endless.

OK.. there's my mom... my car.. phone bills.. my credit cards which dramatically taxing my pockets (blame it on traveling, dear).. uhm... I barely shop these days. I need new suits, shoes, handbags which I haven't been buying since 6 months ago.. except few clothes. My car desperately needs touch up coat. Some morons in the company just succeed delaying my claims. Hmm.. this month alone my claim has totaled up almost 1500 bucks. I only managed to get around RM500 released by the end of this month. Its driving me crazy up the walls.

Last month, when the kitchen was on fire, I gave up my savings so that my mom could repair whatever possible in the house. And there was my car insurance, road tax.. bla..bla.. bla.. I spent another RM1500 on that. My phone bills for 2 months is about RM700 ( I'm gonna kill my boss for this). And.. to add to my great mortification, I had 2� summons, which nearly put me in jail and spent another RM300 on that. The road tax couldn't be renewed and my car was maneuvered around without a legal road tax for almost a week. Imagine the horror when there was a road block when I had to go to a very important meeting in KL. Thank god they police didn't see anything. I didn't pay my phone bills. The line is still barred and I dont bother to pay till all the damn claims are settled. And oh, my trip to Prai alone cost me another RM700 this month.

I'm kinda sad because I have to give up certain part of my personal luxury because of all these.

April is a hard month for me. I was just rejected by both Shell Malaysia and Sarawak Shell because of the downsizing activities resulted by the upcoming globalization. It kinda hit me bad because I worked hard for that position. My project team has taken over my Prai works because I was overloaded with this upcoming project. No matter how much I love my Prai job, I just have to sacrifice it at the end.

Personal life has gone completely down the drain, as of today.

On an unwanted note, old boyfriend who has become an HR General Manager in a public listed company wants to come to my rescue provided that I meet him. I told him to stay away and I'd rather die than working under his group because I don't want remember anything about him anymore. I've had enough. Even though I know he's gonna pay good, I just have had enough..

Or maybe I lie,.. I just don't want to see him...

12:34 p.m. - 2003-04-21


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