arttistic's Diaryland Diary


i'm nailed to this little town

Less than a week after I reached KL, I was urgently summoned to Brunei again. Only this time it�s semi-permanent. I know it was originally planned only for few weeks but I reached to some half-cooked conclusion that it could take me months here. Like I had predicted, it was confirmed yesterday, I�m gonna be here at least a month. And they only gave me 2 days notice for heaven�s sake.

I wished I had more time to prepare for this trip but everything eversince I arrived yesterday has been banging my head. We�re understaffed, under equipped, lack of budget, it really takes toll on me.

Jay is under great pressure. Halim lacks of discipline and training controlling the system and I am here assuming the role as a temporary planner and always my boss� catch-up plan whenever a project starts to trouble.

Everything goes a snail pace here. A mere 40 minutes from Miri, Kuala Belait, even though seems like a small close-knit neighborhood town, is a rich oil-generated town on its own. Everything is so expensive here when you�re earning in Ringgits. But I love this town simply because I am away of the grueling traffics and stresses of the big cities. But it bothers me when I will have no social life. I don�t even know the place to eat out let alone hang out.

It sent me smiling today when I had to cook for the boys, and managed to cut my two of my pretty after another. It was horrible sight when I couldn�t stop bleeding and Halim had to rush up to the nearest mart to buy some first-aide kits. I told Mooke in the email today, it was like a slow death and of course I am exaggerating..nyeahaha. I can now successfully live a life in a crime when I officially lost my finger prints. Thank goodness typing isn�t that difficult.

Yes..I continued cooking anyway and Halim did all the slicing works while I stayed away from that super sharp knife. If Jay or Halim turns into Raja Bersiung tomorrow, I can always continue feeding them with the chicken�s blood, or rat�s or even cockroaches� ..hehehe�ok,just some lawak bodoh in the middle of the night.

Shit! I really miss Coffee Bean and I�m only on my first day here.

I have yet to meet Lau, the cute,awet muda Executive Director. He�s back from India tonite..hmmm.. well, a girl gotta have fun even when the boyfriend is not around..r..i�g�.h�..t?*muka kesian*

Greattt..and I promised him not to be naughty again.Iskhh..

2:48 a.m. - 2004-07-11


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