arttistic's Diaryland Diary


call me babe, sugar!

Lots and lots of things happened these day�
Only one word�ok two actually�

I�m eviilllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *shrieking*

Mwahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha�. *evillaugh*

I lied. I played dumb. I scored a perfect ten. And somebody bought it. (shhh�he thought he�s smart but he�s actually even dumber than I am..hahahahah) Perhaps now I should consider to divert my career from being a lame engineer to acting. Hmmm�*thoughtful*

Kak Jaa� u gotta love my sense of humor.. I�m rich of it now.. *wink*

I know for sure if Mimi *the official miss blur like sotong who�s perpetually in Laborough now* is here now, she�s gonna fall hard on the floor laughing tergolek � golek. I miss your laugh, mimi�really. The partner-in-crime-with her �cheongsam merah�

Maybe I don�t (can�t actually) mentioned what really happened as to protect certain individual in this case. Not that I care�but more to..ala..kesian la kan� hehehe. See, I am evil. This actually a �soft� revenge of those cheated events that happened months and months back. Well no point opening old wound cause I can laugh over it now.

What�s been playing like a vcd in my mind right now is the constant questions like.. how can a man be so damn brilliant and smart yet sooooo dumb when it comes to women? Men like these left no challenges for me take and normally hanya menunggu masa je utk aku boring dgn diaorg. L.A.M.E. Duhhhhh!

Call me James Bond girl yesterday� for a while I thought I was a female version of Micheal Schumacer when I drove from Duta to PJ in less than 5 minutes (so God help my soul!). Managed to act at the whole charade for 20 minutes (incl. Lying thru my teeth, acted like an Oscar winner and eventually won an Oscar in my own version). Seeing lame opening for 10 minutes. Waited patiently and nervously to start my stammered lines for 2 minutes (I hid it well like nobody�s biz!) Almost get caught for 3 seconds. Drove out like crazy to the main road in 20 seconds. Wondering whether anyone was tailing me went like hours after that� cant remember how long. Laughing hilariously � hours and hours afterwards till today. I guess I lack something that usually boring Bond girl has� a weapon. Or maybe some sexy, eye- opening, skimpy outfit� I should get one later... should I color my hair blond after this? Don�t forget I can kickbox better than any woman in my place.

I�m proud to announce that I�m the most suitable but unavailable candidate for the next Bond movie�lay off Michelle Yeoh!!

Kak Jaa whose been labelling the whole adrenaline rush event as the gila talak case should be honoredly given a medal for her wit.. I love u.. get well soon :)

Oh! Gosh..I�m late for a date.. I have a function tonite.. still dunno what to wear.. Uhm, I need a hair cut too� be calm, darling..hehe

If in a very rare case should the lame guy I have been talking about stumbled upon my writings ( yeah.. as if he�ll read), I want you to honoredly know� what a sad fraud you are .. ahh, well..

P/s: To a certain mr. musician� sorry I could�t manage to tell you bout my whereabouts.. it�s better this way..looking forward very much for our next meeting� don�t forget to make me swoon.. *wink*

5:54 p.m. - 2002-05-18


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