arttistic's Diaryland Diary


after some long break..


Well.. Well.. Well..

The long silent has finally been broken. How should I put it or what would I put in this entry? Hmm... for a start I guess it would be long...:)

This absent has actually associated with a long break from everything in my life. I was indeed taking a spritual journey and decrease the use of the internet along the way. For the first time in many many months, I took a long break and did nothing. Hey, it turned up so great, I made myself such a lazy bum. It was a good rest after all..

Endless of shopping spree...orang pegi raya.. aku pegi shopping macam nak mati..and shopping therapies always do wonders to women. I spent 2K on duit raya alone. Tu pun aku boleh reject duit raya Mr. J yang dia nak bagi.. bila dah bankrupt macam ni..mula le menyesal. Terasa bodoh la pulak tak ambik..he..he..he. I kidnapped 5K worth of home theatre system. Tell what bankrupt means.. I know all about it. Aha!

So many things happened, I couldn't really tell in the diary..yeah.. as if I like to spill all before My work doing proposals sucks as usual. I had to put on hold my resignation because of the Prai project. I love it too much to let it go. I am doing my very level best not to complain. Besides, the track record is all what I need. Ni kena sabar tahap maksimum ni. Sampai bulan 5 ni habis la..

And alhamdulillah... this break had contributed to some small changes I love in me. Maybe it's about getting a bit more mature. But the challenges were there for me to fight like nobody's business. Like when I decided to forget Breguet, he came and tell me "please don't give up on me..". I was bitter but what I needed was to put everything previously happened behind. So, I just beared the vulnerability. I got to move forward.

During these times, I had uncountable challenges in my 'setahun jagung' career. Like showing up alone for the company annual dinner few weeks back where I should have brought my partner along. My name was absent from the nominations of every award merely because my boss didn't nominate me. Greed should have been the word here. But I didn't give a damn of what happened that night.. I was concentrating on Ramli Sarip.. heheheh.. he is such a performer. Besides, Fara, my friend made up my night.

We travelled to Penang the next dawn. I attended Serena's, my college mate wedding. It was tired yet so touchingly beautiful. It was a bit sad looking at Serena who has always been like a kid sis to me rather than a friend. I was immensely happy when she got hitched with that handsome dentist. To everyone's suprise, it was an arranged marriage. But I've always thought that's the best for somebody like her.

I just came back from Prai last night. I was driven by the worst man imaginable. I have been travelling with lots of strangers since I started work. This one is a stranger because he's a new colleauge. Fara and I couldnt stand the man.. he made decisions all the time and bragged about his ability as a construction engineer. He makes me feel degrade just like the bitch downstairs always do. This time.. it was professional. Not just to me.. but to just everyone.

To made matters worst, he was asking what was the defections I saw in the concrete finishing made by the subcontractor. I had enough trouble climbing up the walls and sands pile in the heat and there he was trying to show off his capability to me. I got pissed, of course. I know my limitations and I have never had a hands on experience on site. But please.. instead of bragging, just show me. My Project Manager never tried to brag. He was kind enough to show a lady how does everything works. I don't even want to see his face today.

Nevertheless, a trip to Prai always provided me something far from my expectations. Mr. J who saw my face reddened and burned in the sun and nearly toppled in the mountains of sands was smiling sleazily as always. I looked at him and said "kenapa sengih?". He just looked away.. and to just let everyone knows, he has become like another friend to me. Just like Azahar and the rest of the men (ok..married men) I befriend with. Im glad that he is not a threat anymore.

Another note..I dont have a new year resolution.. my resolutions happen everyday in my life. It keeps me going outta my circle of life. As a friend put it not to long ago,quoting a certain Mark Twain, sail away... catch the trade wind..20 years from now you will regret the things you havent done rather than what you have done" I am applying that to my life..

11:19 a.m. - 2003-01-09


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