arttistic's Diaryland Diary


clock counting

I am now waiting half patiently for mimi, maizon and chah who came down to KL unexpectedly.

I dropped out all meetings, dates and appointments so I could meet them this afternoon. And now, my empty tummy has been singing its own horrible tune and still I am here waiting for them. Wei korang.. cepatla sampai.. aku lapar ni...tsk!

Cis.. mimi baru bagi tahu yang dia tengah tunggu Maizon depan Sogo beli bra. Hmm... lambat lagi.


I have 14 days to go. That means another 14 days to lose sleep over this one tender. Thank God Johan, the ever brilliant Prof. Engineer is assisting us. When the hell am I going to be that briliiant? I think he earns easily around 50K minimum each month. Soft spoken, a real genius and extremely professional, I feel like a complete idiot everytime I speak to him. Chu, the trainee TNB engineer assisting me said the same. He knows practically everything and I start this from ground zero. Aku rasa mesti dia gelak everytime dia bukak mulut, aku dengan Chu buat muka blank.

I met Johan in July/August last year during an engineering brainstorming session in Holiday Villa which we called HAZOP (Hazardous Operatibility). I was the HAZOP secretary. The job was a such peanut, I just had to scribe in the computer which was projected on this big screen. Ok.. no biggie! Just hear what Johan had to say, and scribe.

I came in late that morning. I got lost. Even the Project Director was waiting for me.Heh! I arrived just in time to distribute all the datas and drawings, went straight to my provided place, ignored the menacing eyes of those men yang macam tak penah nampak perempuan and concentrated on the laptop Johan opened in front of me.

What I did not know was that Johan had this style of speaking so soft and a bit slurred, I barely heard what was discussed. As if that did not help, the audio speaker was not directed to me and I couldnt really hear anything. So when Johan said to type 'spuriously', I went 'huh?'. When he said 'inadvertantly', I said 'what????'.

It went on like for about half a day before I could really get comfortable with the session. Yang best nya semua boleh dengar pulak tu. I was so panic I even forgot how to spell that 'spurious' word. It was very embarrassing, but I think I got away because I was a woman engineer and young. I thought all my sensibilities in english had gone away that moment. At one time, Fareh had to stand up and walked to me and whispered ' Don't worry about the spelling mistakes.. you just write whatever the gist is' Masa tu semua orang boleh tengok kat big screen apa aku type. Dah le memula tu tak perasan yang screen tu ada. Imagined how mortified I was after half an hour finding that the big screen showed everything I scribed in that laptop. I couldnt help thinking mesti diaorang ingat..apala budak bodoh ni buat? Universiti mana la dia belajar.. I managed through the session somehow.

And......... I got sleepy after lunch, sampai nak tertunduk-tunduk. Tapi biasala.. control ayu. Mr J saw me, laughed to his heart content, I felt like slapping his face.

2nd session 2 months after that was splendid. The speaker was not much of a trouble, I was more comfortable with Johan's soft Brit accent and slurred words. I even concluded many subjects covered and put it in my own way. And Mr. J said Good job. You can become intenational project scriber one day.. A position where only experienced professionals are fit. Hehhehehe... tengok la orang dulu... ;p

But I still feel stupid while dealing with Johan. Hmm... susah betul deal dengan orang terror ni..


Mimi..!!!! Dimanakah dikau??????

1:45 p.m. - 2003-03-01


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