arttistic's Diaryland Diary


fall again

Tengah jiwang...hehehehe..

Masa aku tengah boring tahap petala ke-7 (pinjam ayat mimi ngan kieli) minggu lepas, aku pi tengok untuk kesekian kalinya cerita ala2 cinderella: Maid In Manhattan. It was just..phewww. No, not the story, it was the song. Though Ralph Fiennes looks delicious, the song is a better dish.

Anyone remember the time when J-Lo went to the dinner party with that unforgettable dress? (Well, nevermind..all her dresses made some hormonal increase statements) The song played was Fall Again from Glenn Lewis and I never knew this talented guy existed till last week.

Nak dengar some snippet? Ok.

Fall Again - Glenn Lewis

Hehehe..mesti Halim ngan Fareh tension aku asyik bukak lagu ni cam nak rak. Padan muka..


Been tired actually. Nope.. Im not going to India. Not going anywhere only to the Oil And Gas Exhibition at The Mines the whole day today. My company has a big booth there but my task was to actually locate suppliers and companies who has potentials to become a JV partner in projects.

Met Farah from NJ, a sales executive whose company also supplied lots of valves to us. Cute and plump. She told me about her plans on taking Masters in Economics. Jeles le aku ni.. nak gak sambung study.. tapi bz je manjang.

Good thing about this woman, she has the same opinion about the UBER bitch downstairs. Hehe.. good stuff for bitching from thereon. Nyehahahaha.. teruk betul aku ngumpat tadi.. hmm, Bitch has become an acting Manager. Yes, she's mengipas. Imagine being 25 and a manager. No experienced capabilities but I do believe she can be one if she does it rightly. She knows how to take credit for whatever work she does and how to be an exhibitionist. At some point, yes, I am jealous. She's doesnt have an upliner in her department thus becoming a manager is easy, comes from a family with money, earns at about 4K a month, adik boss lagi. Practically her life is easy even though everybosy else outside doesnt respect her because of her attitude.

For me to earn that much takes longer. I know it will be a long long way to get the maturity to be a manager and as Fareh told me, I have a benchmark which is not easy to achieve in my career. They even gave me a raise when I threaten to leave. CEO said, kalau tak puas hati dengan gaji u, jumpa I. Nanti la aku jumpa... :P

Hmm.. met my partner during exhibition today. I literally dragged him there and he spent like a century with my bosses while my tummy was growling hard crying for foods! I dont know but thinking about this guy makes me smile the whole night today. I couldnt help thinking how I drove him around in my car looking for a place to eat so we wont bump into some people we already know. I had this feeling he didnt want to get out from the car and at some point kept staring at me like I'm some kind of J-Lo reincarnated. Hehehe..

Reaching the office late this evening I picked my handphone and an SMS appreared on the screen " DAH SOLAT?"

Dear.. stop becoming my mommy..

7:30 p.m. - 2003-07-14


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