arttistic's Diaryland Diary


tipu tertipah!

If I am to write of what had taken place for the past 30 days, I will have to take 3 days to finish this entry. Out of that one month I have taken basically 15 days off and dedicated 4 days celebrating my 26th birthday for a vacation in Bali.

micr05sl.jpgBut as I was pestered by a certain 'mookie' downstair to update on an event that left both of us bored to nearly suicidal death last Thursday night. :)

It started out when Botak & Sagap actually asked us to join them for a karaoke session that night. So after so much of dingdongs later, I finally succumbed to Mookie and ijam's pleas to come with them. Fine, and the moment I stepped in the karaoke room, Mookie and I were left gaped in awe finding Sheila Majid singing... ok it wasn't Sheila, it was Siti, sorry, it was Christina Aguilera..hehe.

Let's just call this heaven made, sultry voice chic => Tipah. Obviously, we just hated her at first sight and wanted to kill Botak and Sagap for deliberately ommiting the fact that Tipah was joining us.

Karaoke, for heaven's sake has always been a close loop event among us. We felt uncomfortable upon singing in front of a stranger, of course. We want to sing on the table, jumping happily on the couch or even sing a like a maniac only in front of those people we know. I honestly felt that I was William Hung of the night, really! To make matters worse, Botak (who has this voice like Enrique Iglesias) was only pleased having a duet with Tipah (mentang2 la suara dia sedap..)

Have anybody told u that NEVER EVER bring a stranger with a great voice singing with ya???? Even Britney Spears doesnt even sound like Tipah!

Tipah, in all her sultriness(is there any such word?) and willowiness didnt really talk to us, took over the the early show and the only thing she muttered to me was:

Sounding cheeky and proud:
* "Sorry la ye kalau suara I tak sampai.." before hitting the song Thank God I Found You by Mariah Carey perfectly!

I didnt know if I wanted to laugh or to cry.

Mookie was so damn bored she started to lie down on my lap and only forced to sing a duet with Botak while lying down. Botak was irritated, of course, Heh.

But I took everything positively and slowly conquering the songs with mookie and ijam. Last2 kitaorang bantai je nyanyi.. tak sedap belakang kira. Asyik nyanyi sampai Tipah had to delete her songs...bagus ler...hehehe.

We really apply William Hung's motto ever here, no regrets and we've done our best. Hehe

Macam nak masuk American Idol la pulak.

5:59 p.m. - 2004-05-16


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