arttistic's Diaryland Diary


I've been hailed from a full-flegde silent

I know it has been longgggggggggggg...

But then again, im just have to bear with this. Im trying to figure out something or at least what can be done to this 'unintended' silent of mine. For once, I wish somebody can donate me a laptop right now. Sony Viao anyone? :)

Little thing to say actually, apart from my boring and constantly depressed life, I've been tasked to a new responsibility of planning projects (on which was my dream job once but not anymore) and my current chaotic relationship with my silent partner, there's little to boast about.

And puasa has been blessed with not with another buffet at some posh hotels like in the previous years. Thank GOd, I just wanna be home and have a simple iftar with my family.

I wish I had planned all these (the entry) beforehand, of anything I want to write but my problem now has gone wayyyy deep in a craphole, I dont know anything substanstial to write. This week has actually been a passing sadness (or is it delight?) because most of the I'm blurred, blank, staring at the empty space of the ceiling. And I cant comprehend anything. What is it with me?Is it the stress? because I've been feeling like the girl in Prozac Nation.

Despite the significant decision I've made of my future earlier this week, which others might have deemed it as important, I still am blurred. This entry even came when I realized how much I miss it

And for heaven sake, I'm going to have to reschedule my Turkey/Europe visit which I have put so much effort to plan. Go knows how much I really want to be to that Achilles' land. Should I be screaming when the stupid bus has finished its season when I'm suppose to come this November. And what happen to the planned balloon ride in Cappadocia? I even thought of going alone or taking the so 'uncool' guided tour.Blerrghhh! I thought, it was to happen this winter or I'd be doomed of going to Europe alone again.

But then again, after making the significant decision, nothing seems to matter anymore. I even overcome the feeling of missing Brunei now.

Have a wonderful puasa, kids. Dont forget to terawih! I'll come up with some impromptu solution on how to update more frequently. In the meantime, please bear. :)

Mooke...once upon a time a long time ago, the ceo DID in all intent and porpose, made my life at work like hell. But that was before, Mooke....before...
Ina Lim...and how on earth did you know it was me?? i dont simply reveal who I am ,u see.
Shahrul dear..u ni sapa?..Identify yourself.

1:30 p.m. - 2004-10-22


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