arttistic's Diaryland Diary


on the crowd that i used to have before

the ever exquisite mount batur near kintamani

It just occurred to me that the simple trivia of traveling is not just about going to the right place but having the right crowd.

I told many friends that I would not be the best person as a result of many disastrous incidents (read: caused by me) during traveling. My temper is unusually quick. I don�t have the patient to people who wake up late in the morning. Oh man�and I just can�t stand being pushed around or nagged like a child. So if anyone thinks of taking me for a ride somewhere, I�d be the first to warn them to think twice. I was grumpy and once even yelled at a friend who tried to �mother� me while driving. Hell, that was a no-brainer.

My company will hold a fully paid company trip to Bali the day after tomorrow. 15 of the lucky stars were picked as a tribute to have accomplished a certain profitable project. Yeah�I was so excited because I�ve always loved Bali and all its eccentricity of historical background. It has been one of the most exotic places I�ve been for years. It even beats Thailand or China for it.

row of roses pots - ramada bintang, kutaAnd I had splendid moment with FarahG, Butet and Ammar. ok..FarahG and I surprised Butet&Ammar on their honeymoon�and don�t ask why. I celebrated my birthday there last year. My excitement today is somewhat different. To tell the truth, it�s only exciting this time because I don�t have to pay for it. No more FarahG this time. The same Farah whose inane ramblings made up my bleak days into an exciting adventure everytime she cracks a joke. The same Farah who said yes to every adventure I suggested and turned our biggest blunder of traveling into one of the best journey I�ve had. And the same Farah who loves me for the way I am and what surprised me more was when I�d never even spare a moment of anger whenever I�m with her. She�s the best traveling partner I�ve had so far. Hey, like who on earth would pose like Puteri Gunung Ledang , whistling and singing evergreen lullabies so we can record her on the edge of a fountain in an unknown authentic Indonesian spa? If there�s one word to describe her it would be: �eccentric�.

I just wish she could come with me to Europe. It would be so much fun. Our next destination will be hopping from a village to another in Borneo. Let�s hope I survive exhilarating Bali this time. This so called Island of the Gods shall be nicer when I haul Ida with me (regardless the fact she made my last journey so miserable, remind me that I�m still trying to reconcile on that). She�ll be fine because this time, it�s MY damn trip. Not hers anymore. Heh�wish me luck, dudes!

Image candle and roses

3:50 p.m. - 2005-04-05


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