arttistic's Diaryland Diary


Lazy Evening a.k.a. Curik Tulang

aik.. ade org tulis lak kat dalam guest book aku ni.. some how thanks to zatul for dropping by :).. ade gak org nak tengok selain dr makcik ina cikgu komputer kat jb tu..hehhehe.

Kalau ade sesapa yang perasan la.. perasan tak aku punya website yang tak seberapa artistic tu nampak cam lonely.. tak bertenaga sungguh. I have thought of designing the layout in black or blue but it turned out better in white .. could be because of the photo.. but the problem is.. i like that damned photo.. its about hopes, dreams and looking up.. i feel like running there but of course la its only a picture.. but the one that tells a story..

Well unlike the pic, I'm not always that gloomy.. well maybe I am, but as people meet me in person, I'm much more alive.. suka sakat org .. and as a friend always say, that Im such a teaser.. betul kot..:)

Hmm.. sekarang ni aku tgh curik tulang sebenarnya.. my CEO asked me to design a chasis trailer based on a tender document that MINDEF wants.. HELLOOOOO!!!!! Im a PROPOSAL ENGINEER.. I do tanks.. not trailers.. what the hell is he thinking? he wants so badly in converting me for his own account sake to be a design engineer. I would love that too.. but get real.. this is an oil and gas company specialized in tanks, he's the CEO.. let me do some sensible works here.. let me design that damn fat tanks! why would a tank company design a chasis when we can get it cheaper from the fabricators rather than doing it at our own cost and bear those high overhead cost and make me bang my head every second of the day? This isnt just an ardous task.. this is a waste of time,money and my patience .. for a year i ve been trained by my immediate superior, Fareh on how to make other people work for us, and how time smells money ( heh, still can't learn a procrastinator), how to make the best of ourself when we're drowned with pressures and how to honor my datelines. Still some idiots in the company ( incl. the ceo) failed to see my performance because I dont work directly under them.

I know my future is not here. Been told so many times by the project manager that I can go far.. but my guts are not that strong anymore. Am I stupid for still being here?.. at times when the mills that drive me fades, I feel so hopeless.. I just wanna run and not facing another tomorrow.. I gotta do something ..

4:41 p.m. - 2002-05-07


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